Aerial Spraying targets Bitou Bush MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 9, 2017 MIDCOAST Council and National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) are working together to prepare for an annual bitou bush aerial spraying program, which is set to kick off on Monday 22 May and run through to Monday 31 July 2017, weather permitting. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE Bitou bush (or Chrysanthemoides monilifera)
MidCoast Business Chamber underway FEATURED MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 9, 2017 FOLLOWING the formation of MidCoast Council, the region's business chambers have been working together to establish the MidCoast Business Chamber. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE Representatives from local chamber groups recently met with the NSW Business Chamber Team to formalise the new organisation, which is expected to be up and running within
Bulahdelah Activity Park plans are moving forward Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 20, 2017 PLANS for an Activity Park in Bulahdelah are one step closer, after a meeting between MidCoast Council representatives and community organisations last week. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE The original concept for the project was developed by Bulahdelah Lions Club, which included plans for an activity centre in the Mountain Park. Lions Club