Award Winning Fullerton Cove Home Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 8, 2017March 8, 2017 FROM the outside, a passer-by can gaze at the stunning house owned by Mr Geoffrey Hamilton on the property at Fullerton Cove and see what resembles a shearing shed. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE Recently listed in Domain’s Australia’s 10 Best Houses of 2016, on entering the home, a visitor immediately gets
Bulahdelah Men’s Shed Bee Hive Club holds Field Day Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong FEATURED by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 4, 2016October 4, 2016 BROAD brimmed hats with netting, baggy long-sleeved shirts and gloves were some of the protective items worn by members of Bulahdelah Men’s Shed Beehive Club at a field day held last week. Displays and demonstrations on all aspects of beekeeping were part of the event which took place locally at the
Vital and expensive items stolen from Medowie Little Athletics Club FEATURED Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 14, 2016 MEDOWIE Little Athletics Club are this week feeling let down by someone (or someones) in the community this week after realising vital and expensive items have been stolen from the club. On Wednesday 9 September, between 10am and 2pm, the Club’s equipment shed on Kindlebark Oval in Medowie was broken into,
Mayor MacKenzie funds for Karuah Men’s Shed FEATURED Karuah, North Arm Cove by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 12, 2016 KARUAHMen’s Shed is set to benefit from an $8,000 funding boost made available through a grant from Port Stephens Council. The funding program delivered a total of $19,000 to community organisations in the Port Stephens Local Government Area for projects that will deliver vital services to the community. The Men’s Shed is