Nelson Bay hosts TYCA Youth Week Skate and Scooter Competition FEATURED Port Stephens LGA Port Stephens News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 4, 2018April 4, 2018 THE skate park at Fly Point will see plenty of action on 15 April from 9am with youth from around Port Stephens expected to take advantage of the free bus service. Modern Media: Advertise with News Of The Area and you get your ad in 1) in Print, 2) on the
Council ward funds allocated to improve Medowie Skate Park FEATURED Medowie & Tilligerry News Of The Area Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 8, 2017 THE youth of Medowie have had some welcome news, with the announcement of funding to approve their existing skate park facilities on Ferodale Road. Modern Media: Advertise with News Of The Area and you get your ad in 1) in Print, 2) on the News Website (like this ad), and 3)
Bulahdelah Lions Club continue fundraising for skate park Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong FEATURED by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 19, 2017July 19, 2017 PLANS for the new Skate Park in Bulahdelah are moving forward with the Lions Club continuing to work towards achieving their $250,000 funding target. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE A Commonwealth Government Grant injected $50,000 into the project. Federal Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, said he was pleased to provide the funding
Bulahdelah unites to plan new skate park Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong FEATURED by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 3, 2017 IDEAS for the new skate park in Bulahdelah flowed thick and fast last week, at an on-site workshop hosted by MidCoast Council. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE Under the direction of Community Engagement Officer, Sarah Wilkinson, students from the local schools headed to the Mountain Park to start developing an initial concept. "We
Anna Bay is Skating Towards Progress FEATURED Nelson Bay (Tomaree Peninsula areas) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 20, 2017 ANNA Bay’s facelift is continuing with approval for a $200,000 injection of funds going towards the redevelopment of Anna Bay Skate Park. The decision formed part of determinations at the Ordinary Council Meeting on June 13 for the allocation of $6 million of the Port Stephens Council loan. Nine projects across Port
Sam Sutton and Poppy Starr Olsen Ambassadors for message on littering at Medowie Skate Park FEATURED Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 17, 2017 WORLD Champion Aussie skateboarders Sam Sutton and Poppy Starr Olsen recently performed their tricks at Medowie Skate Park in support of the anti-litter message. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE The project was a collaboration between Hunter Councils, Port Stephens Council, Take-3, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Medowie Public School. A mix
Skate and Scooter Pros join TYCA for Youth Week Skate and Scooter Event FEATURED Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale Nelson Bay (Tomaree Peninsula areas) Photo Gallery Port Stephens LGA by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 12, 2017April 12, 2017 EAGER young locals were treated to 360 degree flips, board grinds and slides at Fly Point Skate Park Nelson Bay, with pro-skaters and scooter demo teams giving kids a close-up encounter of professional riders. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE The National Youth Week event was hosted by Tomaree Youth Community Action group