African Drumming Workshops Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Lola Dahle, Xavier Wilson - Louden and Jasmine Dodd with Benji Williams after an energising drum beat session.
Lola Dahle, Xavier Wilson – Louden and Jasmine Dodd with Benji Williams after an energising drum beat session.


THE Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre is delivering a unique program for children aged between ten and twelve.

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The African Drumming Program runs for a period of 10 weeks and focuses on confidence and self esteem.

Drummer Benji Williams of Earthen Rhythms leads the children through various combinations of drumming.

Benji Williams has over 17 years experience, facilitating drum and dance workshops, and has brought the fun of the djembe to thousands of children throughout Australia.

Clare Saunders of the Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre told News Of The Area, “The program is designed to build confidence for primary school aged students.”

Drumming is known to provide supportive pathways into the world of music.

Learning drumming rhythms provides students with an understanding of timing, tempo and timbre.

This has been shown to provide beneficial foundations for learning other music instruments later in life.

Drumming fosters social inclusion skills: including leadership, listening skills, respect, patience, cooperation and builds left and right brain integration.

It is a physical exercise involving decision making , and problem solving.

Research has shown that certain group drumming protocols can positively affect the immune system.

This free opportunity is available to children through a grant received by the Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre from AGL.

The Confidence Building African Drumming Workshop will run on Thursdays during term three at Soldiers Point Hall.

Please contact the Neighbourhood Centre on 4984 6220 to register your child!



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