Albert Brinsley Sheridan OAM and the meaning of true Community Spirit

Mr Albert “Bert” Brinsley Sheridan with his OAM at his Salamander Home (Photo by Jewell Drury)
Mr Albert “Bert” Brinsley Sheridan with his OAM at his Salamander Home (Photo by Jewell Drury)

Meeting Salamander Bay resident, Albert Brinsley Sheridan OAM, is life changing.

Quick witted, articulate, refined, intelligent,humble and kind are the first words that come to mind when meeting this man.
At 99 years of age, Albert has lived a life of Community Service in various positions.

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Known as “Bert”, Mr Sheridan was born in Tamworth August 22 1917, the second youngest of eight children.

Bert’s parents struggled to feed and clothe their young family so Bert left school at a young age to go to work, earning seven shillings and sixpence per week to help the family.

At 27 years of age, Bert completed a three year course in local government at a local technical college resulting in a promotion to a senior role within his workplace.

The position afforded Mr Sheridan the opportunity to help people which he embraced with a passion.

Throughout Bert’s life, he has held many high profile positions in various places, including the Mayor of Windsor, but it has been his charitable work that has brought Bert the most pleasure.

Over 34 years, Bert worked tirelessly for the people of Kempsey, the community of the Hawkesbury and the Port Stephens region.

26 January 2008 in the Australia Day Queen Honours, Albert Brinsley Sheridan was awarded an Order of Australia (OAM) for Service to the Community of Port Stephens.

Mr Sheridan has been presented with sixteen prestigious awards including the NRMA “Helping Others” award, Citizen of The Year, Commonwealth Recognition Certificate for seniors and Rotary award.

Bert is also an entertainer and, accompanied by a singing group, entertained at eight nursing homes a month bringing much joy to the audiences.

Seeing the importance of a team, no matter how small or large, Bert told Bay News Of The Area, “One can be the most dedicated and experienced leader, but the best intentions often flounder without the vital support of the quiet achievers.”

“When my beautiful wife Jeannie passed away, I vowed that everyday I would use my God given talents to help someone,” Mr Sheridan said.
He certainly achieves that goal inspiring everyone he meets.

Albert Brinsley Sheridan,congratulations on a wonderful inspirational life well lived, accompanied with numerous opportunities to impact it even further.

By Jewell DRURY

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