Bellingen Showground hosts Deep Winter Agrarian Gathering

Deep Winter Agrarian Gathering in Tasmania 2018.

DEEP Winter Agrarian Gathering 2023 takes place in Bellingen Showgrounds Friday 14 to Sunday 16 July.

With floods and the pandemic postponing meetings since the last gathering in 2019, event spokesperson Kaycee Simuong from The Mandarin Bend organic farm in the Nambucca Valley said the program is shaping up nicely for its imminent return.

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“The concept behind the annual Deep Winter Agrarian Gatherings is to bring small- and medium-scale farmers and allies together to participate in a joyful event where we collectively discuss our challenges and successes, and share knowledge, experiences, and strategy to deepen our thinking and strengthen our movement,” she said.

On Friday there is an active day of local farm tours with participants visiting Levenvale Farm in Valery, which runs Bello Beef and The Patch Organics, and Sapphire Beach family business, fruit and vegetable growers, New Life Farm.

On site the Saturday and Sunday schedule is loosely a conference, with a chilled vibe and loads of attendee participation.

“Saturday morning Ruth from Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance will be conducting an Open Spaces Methodology workshop where everyone gets to have input on what they want to learn for the weekend,” said Kaycee.

“Everyone’s input will be collated, and a schedule of the weekend workshops will be determined.

“Yep, the schedule is set by you,” said Kaycee.

It is anticipated there will be four or five different sessions during the weekend with multiple break-out groups running at a time.

“You can go to whichever discussion takes your fancy.”

Some topics might include farming on leased land; saving seed; marketing tips; scale; and viability.

These workshop sessions will be free flowing and facilitate knowledge sharing and upskilling.

“We will also have Geoff and Fiona Bassett from Farm Mojo consulting in Dorrigo doing a presentation about their farming journey and their experience with subtle energy and farming.

Saturday night dinner is a camp oven curry night at Levenvale Farm.

With some 80 farmers and farm allies from around the country attending, Kaycee told News Of The Area, “It is going to be a fantastic weekend”.

The event is not-for-profit, with any left over funds being donated to the Australia Food Sovereignty Alliance.



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