Bulahdelah RSL sub-Branch commemorates those who have served

Members of the Bulahdelah RSL sub-Branch at the town’s cenotaph.

TO commemorate the service of Australian veterans who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Bulahdelah RSL sub-Branch is hosting a service at the Bulahdelah cenotaph on Friday 18 August 2023 at 11am.

August 18 officially commemorates Vietnam Veterans’ Day, while July 27 2023 marked 70 years since the armistice that ended the Korean war.

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Myall Coast News Of The Area asked the president of the Bulahdelah RSL sub-Branch, Dennis Coulter, why he believed commemorating Australia’s involvement in overseas conflicts was important.

“Most of our young fellas went for beliefs they didn’t hold and some were killed in places like Vietnam,” Mr Coulter said.

“It was about the oppression of communism and freedom often brought about by dictators who wanted to control everything.

“Many refugees from the conflict came to Australia and were grateful for the freedoms we often take for granted,” said Mr Coulter.

The sub-Branch are looking for new members in any of three categories: current service members, ex-affiliate members and auxiliary members.

Membership is also open to British and American ex-defence personnel and youth who have attended cadets.

There are benefits to joining such as the Veteran White Card, a treatment card that can provide you with medical treatment for accepted service-related injuries or conditions and all mental health conditions (for veterans with continuous full-time service or certain reserve service).

Support is also available through the wider network such as Legacy and the distributing of fund raising activities to those in need.

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at Bulahdelah Bowling Club, commencing at 6pm.


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