Council urges residents to keep eye out for vandalism

FOLLOWING a recent spate of vandalism across the region, MidCoast Council is urging residents to keep an eye out for destructive behaviour.

Vandalism costs ratepayers significantly each year when Council staff are required to attend, clean, repair or replace damaged infrastructure.

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Unfortunately, ratepayers are forced to foot the bill for vandalism which is on average in excess of $500,000 a year.

In a recent incident that occurred at Manning Point, a deliberately lit fire destroyed barbecues and toilet facilities in the area were also damaged.

The repair bill from that individual incident is estimated to be upwards of $10,000.

Ongoing vandalism attacks have also been recorded at the Moira Parade amenities block in Hawks Nest.

In a matter of weeks Council staff have replaced damaged cisterns, cleaned rocks and sand out of sinks and reported two fires being lit inside the amenities block.

MidCoast Councils Director of Liveable Communities Paul De Szell said repairing and replacing vandalised infrastructure was a very costly exercise.

“It is just absolutely senseless destruction of facilities that are meant for our residents and visitors alike to enjoy and make use of,” he said.

“The hundreds of thousands of dollars we spend each year repairing vandalism is money that could be better spent on other projects across the MidCoast.”

Mr De Szell said the impact of vandalism had a far wider reach than just the hip pocket of ratepayers.

“Ongoing vandalism can have a major effect on tourism.

“And as a major tourist destination that has the potential to affect everyone’s bottom line.

“So, we ask the community as a whole to please keep a look out for suspicious behaviour and report any acts of vandalism directly to NSW Police.”

Items in public spaces that are more likely to be targeted include: outdoor tables and chairs, playground equipment, electric barbecues, toilet blocks, fencing and signage.

Residents who witness any suspicious behaviour are urged to call NSW Police on 131 444 and make a report.

To report illegal dumping, go to or call 131 555.

To report graffiti in the Great Lakes region, call the Graffiti Buster on 0408 440 309, in the Manning or Gloucester Regions go to and fill out the online form.

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