Eclectic Art Display By Local Seniors Depicts Tea Gardens Businesses In Mixed Media

Some of the eclectic works on display at the Myall Street Studio.


ART is one way that many seniors engage in to connect with others within the community.

It is a way to explore creativity, the environment while learning new skills.

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When groups work towards similar project goals the results whether completed in groups together or as individuals and brought together later can create stunning displays.

A group of seniors in the Tea Gardens area have recently been working on mixed media projects.

The results can be seen at the Myall Street Studio.

Barbara Peacock told News Of The Area, “I run an Art Group for older people who just want to explore art and have fun.

“Earlier this year I set them a challenge to reproduce some of the businesses in Tea Gardens, using mixed medium, and ignoring the normal art rules.

“The results are an eclectic and colourful display now on show at the Myall Street Studio, Shop 1, 205 Myall Street, Tea Gardens.”

The works which depict local scenes are for sale and any funds raised will be used to buy resources for the group’s future works.

Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Barbara via the Myall Street Studio.



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