Foreshore Erosion at George Reserve Salamander Bay

Wendy Lane with some of her quilling.
The Erosion from stormwater run-off being viewed on the foreshore at George Reserve.


GEORGE Reserve at Salamander Bay is faced with erosion on the foreshore caused by a blocked drain, impacted by storm water run off.

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Locals have seen their anti erosion plantings of pig face designed to deal with erosion from the waterway washed away.

Councillor John Nell commented on the erosion saying, “The Foreshore at Georges Reserve was washed out recently, because of a stormwater pipe across the road was blocked with leaves and twigs, sending the water across the road onto the Reserve.

“Council intends to allocate money to fence the waterfront to facilitate replanting and recreating a small dune system.

“There is an excellent example a few blocks to the east of this Reserve, as to how best, look after a fragile waterfront.

“Those residents, do nothing and have left the vegetation to look after the beach.

“It is cheap, simple and effective, I know that cannot be recreated in a Public Reserve, but fencing will assist the proposed re-vegetation,” he said.

Members of the community met on site with the Mayor and Cr Nell earlier this week.

Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer told News Of The Area, “Last week Cr Nell and I visiting George Reserve to inspect the site with local residents.

“At the time staff had commenced work to unblock a drain that become filled with debris, that allowed water to flow over the gutter and through the park causing the erosion.

“My understanding is that this work is minor and will rectify the situation.”

While residents are concerned about the immediate damage to the park and foreshore they have concerns about what the future will hold should the proposed Fleet Street development go ahead.

Mayor Palmer addressed the issue saying “The DA that is currently on exhibition for Fleet Street will include measures for the management of stormwater on the site and will be assessed by Council Engineers.

“There is no connection between the block drain on Soldiers Point Road and any new development proposal,” he said.

Salamander Bay Rotary Club has achieved a grant to improve the reserve however despite the best efforts of the community the erosion is now worse than ever.

Council does plan to conduct work in the reserve should it achieve the SRV which is currently with Ipart for review.

The Mayor assures us that the remediation of the storm water run-off will occur in the coming weeks.



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