French weekend at Tillermans Tea Gardens

Tillermans is the place to be this coming weekend, 18-19 July for a celebration of all things French.

Kerry and Peter Hodges.
Kerry and Peter Hodges.

A fourteen year tradition that occurs on the weekend closest to Bastille Day (July 14) all started at the suggestion of a local U3A French student.

Peter Hodges was teaching French to the local U3A group and one student asked why they couldn’t have a Bastille Day celebration.

Peter said, “We kicked off with a small affair, but as our own French connection grew, so did the yearly celebration of fun, food, and all things French.”

Peter and wife Kerry have a long affiliation with France and in particular the village of Sigoulès near Bordeaux where they have a house and have over the years become a part of the community as they have in Tea Gardens.

This year’s event will incorporate many elements from the Friday night markets in Sigoulès where the locals get together and celebrate all things locally produced with long tables serving wine and food.

During their time in France, Kerry and Peter have become part of Confrèrie du Raisin d ’or de Sigoulès which is a conference of people to engage in the promotion of wine and products of the area.

Coincidentally the coming weekend will hold a special bond with the 40th Anniversary Wine Festival being held in Sigoulès and Peter and Kerry acting as ambassadors in a reciprocal role have assisted in the procurement of Hunter Valley wines.

The weekend will see entertainment from Susan Young and Dougie and the Escargots with a quiz and lots of singing.

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