Hawks Nest ladies golf results

Carol Marr and Carol Wiggins Winners of 2BBB 2 week event.

TUESDAY 18th July 48 ladies played

First round of 2BBB Stableford

1st F. Henderson/D. Matheson 42
2nd C. Maher/C. Wiggins 40 c/b
3rd D. Smith/P. Dodd 40 c/b
Balls down to 39 c/b

Tuesday 18th July 10 Ladies played

Back 9 holes

1st S. Bolden
2nd J. Olsen
3rd J. Ryan
4th P. Marr
5th P. Gibbs

Saturday 22nd July 32 ladies played

Single Stableford

Div. 1
1st M.Dickson 40
2nd C. Potts 36
3rd A.M. french 35

Div. 2
1st B.Birmingham 35
2nd W. Baker 32 c/b
3rd J. Bizant 32 c/b
Balls down to 30

NTP 10th G. Gillard

Tuesday 25th July 52 ladies played

Second round of 2BBB Stableford

1st C. Maher/C. Wiggins 44
2nd C. Foster/D. O’Brien 41c/b
3rd S. Kovacs/S. Brownrigg 41c/b
Balls down to 38


1st: C. Marr/C. Wiggins 84
2nd D. Matheson/F.Henderson 82
3rd M. Mitchell/S. Campton 81

Tuesday 25th July 7 ladies played

Front 9 holes
1st P. Marr 12c/b
2nd R. West 12
3rd R. Richardson 11


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