Invitation for Community to meet with Great Lakes Councillors

You are invited to participate in an upcoming community meeting with Councillors and senior staff from Great Lakes Council to hear about some significant happenings at Council and in local government generally.

Meetings have recently been conducted at Tea Gardens on Monday and Stroud.

A Forster meeting is to be conducted on Thursday 20th November at the Council Chambers at 10am,  while the Bulahdelah meeting is scheduled for next week.

The Bulahdelah meeting is on Wednesday 26th November at the School of Arts Hall at 6pm.

“This is a great opportunity for all residents to come along and learn more about Council’s activities and what is happening in their local area,” said Council’s General Manager Glenn Handford.

“Council has recently received the results of a community satisfaction survey which focussed on Council’s asset management planning.

“These results and the impact on Council’s long term financial position will be discussed at the community meetings.”

The Mayor Cr Jan McWilliams added that Council is also focussing on the NSW State Government’s Fit for the Future initiative and how to continue to best serve its community.

“The community meetings will occur at several locations and I encourage you to take this opportunity to learn about what your Council is doing and ask questions of Councillors and senior management,” said the Mayor.

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