Mallabula Tennis Club has just been given a $200,000 makeover

The clubhouse after the $200,000 makeover.


The Mallabula Tennis Club has just been given a $200,000 makeover.

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According to Cr Steve Tucker, the funding was part of a NSW State Government Sports’ Grant.

“The work includes new disabled toilets, access ramps, concrete paving and a new covered outdoor area,” he said.

“The roof has been replaced and the whole building has received a new paint job,” Cr Tucker said.

“Looking to the future, the structure is now designed to give access to other sports groups which use the adjacent courts or sporting fields,” he said.

All details of tennis dates and court hire can be had from a notice on the gate. The courts are located at the end of Stratmore Rd Mallabula, directly behind the Aquatic Centre.


Mid week social ladies’ group on the net.

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