Myall Coast News Display Advertising Reps hit the streets

Last  week Myall Coast News sent a team of Display Advertising experts throughout the region to talk to businesses about the upcoming large A2 glossy map (folded to DL size) which is scheduled to hit the towns  just before Easter and the school cover

The new ‘Map-of-the-area’ is different than any other that has been produced, according to Ann Scully from Myall Coast News-of-the-area.

“The big difference is that this map is massively ‘business centric’,” said Ms Scully.

Bulahdelah and Karuah currently have a glossy map within their area, Bulahdelah with the same size as this new map and Karuah with one half the size.

Both maps include tourist attractions, displaying some of the great local landmarks.

Tea Gardens Hawks Nest has heavy-stock newsprint option rather than gloss (200gsm approx). This is in an A3 pad format.

The new map produced by Myall Coast News will fill an important whole in the market within our great area.

And, it covers the whole Myall Coast region, including Stroud.

The map is of high print quality, high graphic design quality, high functionality and  importantly, it is very business focused – whilst still ‘ticking the boxes‘ showing important services.

It is planned to be published four times per year, being distributed just before the busy school holidays.

Why is it coming out four times per year and not once?’

The important answer to this is that: a massive 4,500 will be printed which easily covers a single peak season.

This also helps keeps the price, for businesses, right down so that every business can afford to be included – no question.

It also allows for businesses to then alter, change or amend information since businesses will move address, change phone numbers, develop websites, update photos, re-brand, and so on.

It’s just like a Holiday Guide publication each school holiday period.

One of the Myall Coast News reps who hit the footpath said, “It was such a busy day, but it was so, so great to chat and meet the business owners and managers in the area.”

“I had such fun! Everyone was so receptive to the paper, and the idea of this new map.”

Myall Coast News are still getting late emails from businesses realising they are ‘not on the map’.

Ann Scully said, “After talking to our printers we negotiated a later print window, but MUST send this map to the printer tomorrow at 6pm Friday 20 March.”

If you know you’re not on the map, and want to ensure you get onto it – EMAIL NOW

There are still 3 large display ad options available – and basic listing options are (almost) endless.


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