Nambucca Heads Island Golf Club Results

Winners are grinners!


WITH a little rain during the week, the Nambucca Heads Island Golf Club course has come up a treat with good grass finally returning to the fairways and the greens have been sensational – perfect conditions for our annual ‘Island Classic’ which attracted 31 visitors, including a large returning contingent from Armidale/Uralla.

Luckily for everyone, the threatened rain event for the weekend turned out to be a bit of a fizzler – at Nambucca anyway!

On Tuesday 26 October, the Mid North Coast played a Medley Stableford – results on their website.

The Women played an Irish Stableford on Wednesday 27 October.

The winners were Lyn Parkes, Robyn Jones, Dianne O’Leary and Talia Donovan. Runners up were Jennifer Ainsworth, Dorothy Bunyan, Kay McGoldrick and Suzanne O’Donnell.

NTP’s went to Robyn Dyer on 5, Deidre Byrne got the Pizza voucher on 13 and Narelle Delaney on 18.

Thursday 28 October was our monthly ‘Dolphin Day’ Open Medley Stableford sponsored by Nambucca RSL and Midstate Financial Services (Stuart Garvey).

It was great to see Don Wills having the best score of the day to win the Dolphin Day golf shirt.

In Division 1 (scratch to 15), Kerrie Eichorn (12) scored 39 points to win from Anthony Smith (7) on a countback from Thomas Wattison (15) from Urunga with 38 points.

In Division 2 (16 to 22), Peter Shepherd (19) scored 39 points to win from Paul Reid (21) on 36 points.

Division 3 (23 to 45) winner was Barrie Nicholson (26) with 37 points from Hans Jansen (25) with 36 points. Glen Crow and Johnathon Zirkler also scored 37 points, with the ball rundown to 32 points on countback.

Rick Heywood had a good day with the par 3’s, taking NTP’s on 5, 15 and 18, Ray Baker on 7, Peter Farrell got Subway’s voucher on 8 and Colin Dunne got the Pizza voucher on 13.

The ‘Island Classic’ is one of the Club’s Honour Board events and was played over Saturday and Sunday 30th & 31st October.

The 36 Hole tournament was very generously sponsored by Midcoast Trucks, Saturday’s event by Deidre Byrne and Rhonda Rowe and Sunday by BCIB Insurance Brokers thank you everyone.

This year’s Classic scratch winners were Timothy Murray from Armidale and Sue Brooks from Nambucca Heads.

In the Women’s Competition, Denise Paluch (15) won Division 1 with 65 points and Heather Gray (26) won Division 2 with 60 points.

Runners up were Henny Oldenhove (14) with 61 and Kay McGoldrick (24) with 58. Saturday’s event was won by Chris Clarke (8) with 33 and Lyn Grose (25) won 33. Sunday’s event was won by Maxine Townsend (15) with 35 and Peta Giddey (38) with 35.

The 36 Hole Men’s event was won by David McBarron (4) from Urunga with 71, Division 2 by Jacob McBarron (15) from Urunga 75 and Division 3 Paul Constable (31) from The Grange with 78.

Runners up were Bruce Berry (3) with 70, Norman Devereaux (16) 72, Christopher Lucas (30) with 69.

Saturday’s winners were Ross Donnelly (9) from Macksville 36, Andrew Blair (19) from Bowraville 36 and Jamie Lucas (26) 39. Sunday’s event was won by Adam Ulrick (11) from South West Rocks 35, Damon Green (19) from Crescent Head 37, and Andrew Donovan (22) 39.

The Classic Raffle raised $524 towards our badly needed Tees Renovations and the Cypress Lakes Golf Package was won by Purple Ticket F69 – a very happy Kimberly Jackson!

See you on the Island.


By Geoffrey MCCANN


Midcoast Trucks General Manager Luke Smith with NHIGC General Manager Johnathon Zirkler after agreeing to the details of the Island Classic sponsorship.

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