Nambucca Valley Bridge Club

NVBC Nola Pearce teams of three. (L to R) Rob Marshall, Tournament Director, Robert Baker, John Slade, Paul Coe, Team Captain Linda Siford and Club President Scott Parker.

BIRTHDAY wishes to senior member Gus Gorissen who turned eighty over the weekend.

All the best Gus you don’t look a day over seventy-nine!

Results for week ending: 4 March 2023

Monday: 27 February 2023. Twenty-four players today, Phil at the helm. Careful and consistent play paid off for giant killers Linda Siford and Barbara Lott with a great North/South win with 61.6 percent.

Runners-up with 57.5 percent were Robert Marshall and Phil Booth. East/West winners with 57.8 percent Astrid and Gus Gorissen.

Runners-up with 56.2 percent Paula Guthrie and Richard Levy.

Tuesday: 28 February. As expected tonight became a battle of the Titans with Carol and Amber prevailing by .62 of one percent ahead of Caitlin and Robert who were the overall runners-up.

A great event and well supported by the Tuesday night brigade. Congratulations to Amber and Carol, Cailin and Robert.

Wednesday: 1 March. Today’s session attracted 16 supporters.

The improve your bridge event is open and partners are not necessary.

It is also a good opportunity to find and develop a partnership for other events.

Thursday: 2 March. Today’s event was the very popular and iconic Nola Pearce Teams of Three, a red points game well supported by 32 players and directed by Principal Director Robert Marshall.

Winners after an arduous day were Linda Siford (Captain), Robert Baker, Paul Coe and John Slade; winning all three of their matches and scoring 48 victory points.

Runners up with 35 victory points were Richard Levy (Captain), Peter Plunkett-Cole, Colleen Robertson and Gus Gorissen.

The drinks and nibbles after were gratefully consumed.

Saturday: Twenty-two players for a 5 ½ Bye-Relay; North/South winners Mike Siford & Kent Taylor with 62.5 percent.

Equal runners-up with 53.6 percent, Robert Marshall and Phil Booth with Maureen Cowan and Richard levy.

East/West winners, Louise & Gary Walton with 58.8 percent.

Runners-up Doris Peters and Carol McKee with 55.6 percent Go Doris!

Urunga: 1 March. A capacity turn-out of 30 players competed in a 7 ½ Bye-Relay.

Some visitors and new members helped to make up a really good game. North/South winners were Nerellyn Mitchell and Peter Jonutz with 60 percent. Runners-up, Glen Hallett & Phil Booth with 52 percent.

East/West winners Janet Dyson and Robert Marshall with 67 percent. Runners-up, Dot and Don Learmonth with 65 percent.

If you have an interest in bridge or have any questions contact Secretary Carol on 65689833.


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