Radio personalities Moffee and Ben Stevenson shout out for the C.ex Community Crew Sleep Out Coffs Coast Coffs Coast - popup ad Coffs Coast News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 9, 2023 Southern Cross Austereo’s Triple M Coffs Coast 106.3 Michael ‘Moffee’ Moffett, General Manager Luke Campbell and HIT 105.5 Coffs Coast’s Ben Stevenson supporting the C.ex Community Crew Sleep Out, bringing awareness and funds to the issue of homelessness across the Coffs Coast. LOCAL Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) radio personalities, Michael ‘Moffee’ Moffett from Triple M Coffs Coast 106.3 and Ben Stevenson from HIT 105.5 Coffs Coast, have teamed up with Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce to promote local businesses supporting the upcoming C.ex Community Crew Sleep Out. The Sleep Out is a fundraising effort where participants bed down in cardboard boxes for one night at C.ex International Stadium. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – Funds raised through sponsorship help address issues around homelessness in the Coffs Coast community. Taking place on Wednesday, June 14, the Sleep Out has become an annual platform for raising awareness and funds to help combat homelessness. SCA General Manager Luke Campbell is joining Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce’s Team Business and will be participating in the event. Expressing his dedication to the cause, Luke emphasised, “The Sleep Out is a small sacrifice for a worthy cause. “Unfortunately, many individuals and families on the Coffs Coast face this challenge all too regularly.” The collaboration of Moffee and Ben Stevenson to promote the event was devised by Luke as an incentive to businesses to support the event. As a gesture of gratitude, any business which donates $100 or more to a member of Team Business will receive a dedicated on-air shout-out on the Coffs Coast Triple M or HIT stations. Moffee has been keenly ‘calling out’ on his morning show in support. “Joining forces with both Hit105.5 and Triple M to be able to help these local organisations that make a difference is a great feeling, it’s what local radio is all about,” he said. Housing and the homelessness crisis has been an issue that Ben Stevenson, the HIT 105.5 Coffs Coast announcer, has been bringing awareness to. Ben produced a podcast in 2021 that addressed the severity of the region’s housing challenges. In the podcast, Ben explored Australia’s tendency to view housing as an investment and wealth-building tool, leading to skyrocketing house prices that have become mostly unattainable for an entire generation of Australians. He also discussed the impact of Airbnb contributing to a scarcity of rental properties in the region, resulting in rising rental prices and additional strain on resources allocated to those at risk of homelessness. The ‘Coffs In Crisis’ podcast can be heard on the LiSTNR app. Garth Shipperlee, Executive Officer at Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce said, “We sincerely thank all our members and local business for their continuous support of the C.ex Community Crew Sleep Out and Team Business. “This partnership will create additional awareness and recognise those businesses supporting the cause.” C.ex Group CEO John Rafferty will be participating in the 2023 Sleep Out for his ninth consecutive year. John is pleased to have the support of the local business community and SCA, commenting, “I encourage all community members to get behind the event by participating and fundraising or donating to the cause.” All funds raised from the Sleep Out will be evenly distributed by the C.ex Community Crew to two local deserving charities: Bridging the Gap Community Services Inc and Warrina Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services. For more information about the C.ex Community Crew Sleep Out and registration details, visit Businesses interested in supporting Team Business can donate through the dedicated donation page via the QR code or By Andrea FERRARI