Revd. Peter Adkins Tea Gardens, message this Easter

Revd. Peter and Gwen Adkins.


Over 70,000 people have died. Many lives have changed dramatically. Many are anxious and fearful.

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The world will never be the same.

2000 years ago, another event changed the world.

The planet was infected with a deadly virus. That disease was sin, which separates us from a loving, perfect God who gives us our life and breath.

Corona Virus or not, no one leaves this planet alive! But God sent Jesus to save us from this deadly disease. How?
It needed an uninfected person to take on the sickness of all.

That’s what the cross is about.

To paraphrase the Bible: “God made Jesus, who was immune from sin, to be infected for us, so that in him we might be healed, saved, and accepted by God.”

Jesus rose again from the dead, and the world was never the same again. Jesus promises his presence, his peace, eternal life.

This Easter may the great story of God’s cure give you his peace, for he said “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world.”

Our Good Friday and Easter services can be found on our Facebook page: Bulahdelah, Tea Gardens Karuah Anglican Church.


By Revd. Peter and Gwen ADKINS

One thought on “Revd. Peter Adkins Tea Gardens, message this Easter

  1. Happy Ramadan.
    Guessing there wont be any articles on Ramadan in this “news” outlet. Only one cult allowed eh?

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