War gun installed at ANZAC Park Tea Gardens

In the lead up to the Centenary Commemoration of ANZAC the community of our local area continues to give with a ‘Can do’ attitude that shows the true nature of helping and mateship. gwar gun

A large group of volunteers met at ANZAC Memorial Park last week to install the Big Green Gun as a commemoration of all who have gone before and made the ‘Ultimate Sacrifice’ for Australia.

Spokesman Terry Munright said, “This is the culmination of three years hard work and every step of the way has been met with overwhelming community help.”

“Everything from the construction of the concrete slab to today’s effort of installation has been donated and carried out with volunteer work.”

Neil Davy from Myall Engineering constructed and donated the galvanised steel framework that holds the gun in place.

Keith Smith and Anthony Grant formed and concreted the slab installing the stand.

Ken Woodward supplied the steel ‘Reo’ for the slab.

Gordon Fenwick of Lofty Crane Services supplied the crane and his time in twice moving the gun and the lowering of it into place for its permanent residence at ANZAC Memorial Park.

On the day of installing, the list of helpers included Len Roberts, Neil Davy, Ray Prigg, Terry Munright, Keith Smith, Barry Whiteman, Gordon Fenwick and Anthony Grant.

The RSL Sub Branch and the people of the Tea Gardens Hawks Nest area applaud you all for your time and effort to give us a welcome addition to our Memorial Park.

‘Our Gun’ will stand as a fitting memorial to the thousands of men and women who have given their all in the provision of a way of life not many countries are lucky enough to have.

Their sacrifices have given us all hope and a future we can look towards with freedom and democracy at the forefront of our minds.

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