Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare: Common Mynas upset feathered locals


COMMON Mynas, previously known as Indian Mynas, continue to cause problems throughout most urban areas in Coffs Harbour.

This is despite the fact that Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare (CHRL) volunteers, with the support of Coffs Harbour City Council, have been trapping them for many years.

The birds are chocolate brown with black heads and distinctive yellow beaks, eye patches and legs.

This pest is commonly confused with the smaller grey noisy miner which is a native species.

In the 1860’s they were deliberately introduced in Melbourne to keep down insects in market gardens.

Like most other such introductions they thrived in their new environment and spread quickly, with devastating effects on native wildlife.

They are intelligent birds well-suited to urban areas, regularly eating left-out pet food and searching through compost bins for tasty scraps.

They often nest in roof cavities or take over the nesting hollows of our native birds which are already in short supply in our urban area.

This is the main reason why Coffs Landcare is so focused on controlling these birds.

Trapping is the most effective way of reducing the impact of these birds.

Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare trapping program is funded by Coffs Harbour City Council’s Environmental Levy.

If you have a problem with common mynas, or are concerned about them in your area, you can contact Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare who will put you in touch with a volunteer trapper.

The trapper will bring a trap out to your residence and then humanely dispose of any trapped birds.

The Coffs Landcare office is open Monday to Thursday and can be contacted on 66511308 or email at


By Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare

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