Arts and Crafts at the Gypsy Art Group’s Easter Exhibition

The Gypsy Art Group caters for a range of art and craft interests. Photo: Kerrie Stewart.

IF you have thought you might like to nurture your creative talents then you might like to visit the Gypsy Art Group’s Easter Art and Craft Exhibition at the Botanic Gardens.

Group members will run free, hands-on daily demonstrations, as well as display their art and craft works.

The exhibition runs from 10am until 3pm each day from Friday April 7 to Tuesday April 11.

Demonstrations will be from 10:30am.

Sharron Arnold will demonstrate gelliprint plants and concertina books on Saturday, Kerrie Stewart will do eco printing on Sunday, Caz Rhodes will show how to make cards with mixed media on Monday and Marion Creer will explain art journals on Tuesday.

The Group meets fortnightly on Thursday from 9 am to 1pm at the Boambee Community Centre.

For further information about the Group call by for a chat or contact Sharron on 0401044417.

By Andrew VIVIAN

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