Bellingen Shire Labor issues call to vote for change

The Bellingen Labor Team has issued a final call for change to the residents of Bellingen Shire.


THE Bellingen Labor Team has issued a final call to the residents of Bellingen Shire to vote for change and progress at this Saturday’s local government election and has warned the Shire can’t afford another three years of rule by the Independents and Greens.

Local small business manager Andrew Woodward is contesting the Mayoral election for Labor and is also leading Labor’s council ticket of four, including Danielle Matignier-Babb, Paul Hemphill, and Paul Mulally.

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Labor has put forward a plan for change and progress for the Shire based on keeping residents safe from COVID-19, water pollution, fires and road blackspots; turning the Shire’s economic fortunes around by focussing on job creation, helping small businesses and farmers and restoring visitation; preparing for the future in critical issues like housing, climate change, fire prevention and clean energy; protecting the Shire’s lifestyle, nature, culture, arts and Indigenous heritage; and reconnecting council with the community and making it responsive and people-friendly.

The Labor Team has issued a 12-point plan to deliver on its commitments, and says all but one of it’s election commitments requires funding assistance from the State or Federal Government.

“I want to bring back the buzz to Bellingen Shire,” Labor candidate for Mayor and Councillor Andrew Woodward said.

“It is not the place it was five years ago when the Independents and Greens took over the council.

“We’ve gone backwards in jobs, economic performance, revenue from visitors and opportunities for our youth; we can’t risk another term of Independents and Greens.”

Mr Woodward said the Labor team is experienced, qualified, prepared and ready to implement a positive plan of change and progress, should it achieve a majority.

“In consultation with the community, we’ve done the work and developed a realistic, affordable, and needed plan,” he said.

“With a majority, we will take the shackles off the council staff to deliver for our community.

“Consultation, communication, transparency and action will be the hallmarks of a council with a Labor majority; with a Labor majority on the council, you, your business and your community will be better off.”

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