Bulahdelah paramedic Wayne Cook celebrates 44 years of service

Wayne ‘Cookie’ Cook has always been dedicated to helping the community. Photo: NSW Ambulance.


BULAHDELAH paramedic Wayne ‘Cookie’ Cook has celebrated his 44th anniversary with NSW Ambulance this week.

Starting his career in 1977 in his hometown Kempsey, he took to the streets and as he went,, gained skills to last a lifetime.

In 1981 Cookie began working out of Bulahdelah Ambulance Station and never looked back, providing the community of Bulahdelah with over 40 years of service.

Wayne even met his wife, Maxine, whilst chatting over the back fence of the station and before he knew it, children Kelsey and Chris were on the scene.

Publicly acknowledged on the NSW Ambulance Facebook page, hundreds took to the comments to provide congratulations and thankful remarks of Mr Cook’s work.

“Cookie acknowledges his family as being his strength and backbone through his career, never upset when he had to work on birthdays and even Christmas Day.

“The passion to help people lives on as Cookie continues to serve the community of Bulahdelah.

“You’re a legend Cookie, thank you for your ongoing service and enjoy the celebration today,” a representative from the NSW Ambulance service wrote.

Wayne spoke to News Of The Area back in 2017, when he celebrated 40 years of service.

“I still love the job and I still love helping people.

“I could not have done the work I did, especially on O’Sullivans Gap without Maxine’s support.

“Families learn to live around the edges of the job, they are the ones that need the accolades,” Wayne said.

On behalf of all the community members in the area, congratulations on 44 years of service and thank you for all you’ve done.




Wayne in his younger years in Bulahdelah. Photo: NSW Ambulance.

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