Coffs Coast musicians to play for international fundraiser

The Nota Bene String Ensemble.

ACT For Peace, the international humanitarian charity of the National Council of Churches in Australia, will be the beneficiary of an upcoming performance by the Nota Bene String Ensemble.

On Sunday 5 May, the six musicians from the Coffs City Orchestra will bring their stringed instruments to share the joy of music with an audience at St. John’s Anglican Church.

The event is being organised by the Coffs Harbour Council of Churches, an ecumenical group of volunteers working together as a unified body of Christians.

Act For Peace, their chosen charity for many fundraisers, is the official non-government organisation representing the Australian Council of Churches.

Chairperson for the Coffs Harbour group, Drew Bogema, told News Of The Area, “It (Act For Peace) works to alleviate poverty and famine worldwide, including in Ukraine and Palestine.

“All money raised by this event will be spent on a needs-based approach – where can our money keep people alive?

“And there is starvation everywhere.”

Nota Bene’s concert will run for around an hour, starting at 2pm, with entry by donation.

Drew sees the concert as a win-win.

“You get to enjoy the music, others get to enjoy life because of your donation,” he said.

The concert is being held at St. John’s Anglican Church in McLean Street, Coffs Harbour.

The program offers a mix of classical and contemporary music, including a range of songs from far-off countries.


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