Macksville Country Club Golf

Three generations of the Bartlett’s – Peter is preparing to putt with son Todd and grandson Brodie looking on.


DESPITE the threat of rain, 96 players turned out for the Bede Clarke memorial three person Ambrose event which was, as usual, one of the most successful annual events.

Early starters were able to get around with dry shirts.

The 10.30 shotgun starters all got wet but soon dried out in the warmth that followed.

Only Rod, who takes fright at clouds, took some restraining.

Cheryl, Rhonda, Desma and chief cook Paul kept players nourished with a free BBQ on the 4th tee.

While it was a social event with players from all grades ,social and ‘hackers’ there were still winners.

Glen Edwards teamed up with Tony Henshaw and Peter Johnson to win with Ben Keighran, Luke Cooper and Mat Champion runners up.

Longest drives went to Andrew Black (A grade), Brodie Bartlett (B ) and dad Todd (C) non graded Ben Kidman.

While the greens have still not fully recovered from coring, they are the same for all, so there were no complaints.

As well as being in the winning team we’ll probably see Tony Henshaw getting fit cycling around Scotts Head on his raffle prize.



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