Mothers’ Union uniting families

Pauline Hocking, Catherine Govan, Beryl Howard, Jack Ryan, Yvonne Stuhmeke, Eileen Weir and Jan Caldicott all joined in to celebrate Jack's 100 birthday at Mothers’ Union.
Pauline Hocking, Catherine Govan, Beryl Howard, Jack Ryan, Yvonne Stuhmeke, Eileen Weir and Jan Caldicott all joined in to celebrate Jack’s 100 birthday at Mothers’ Union.

Mother’s union is a volunteer organisation on the Tomaree Peninsula.

Members give of their time, their expertise and their resources to do all they can to support stable family life in our community.

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In more than 80 countries, Mothers’ Union responds where it can and aims to do so with expertise, credibility and a passion to create positive change.

At the heart of the work is prayer life, which binds the members together in fellowship, and which lies at the centre of all that they do.

Members believe that prayer gives an understanding of situations and a motivation to change things for the better.

The organisation began more than 140 years ago and now has 400 million members worldwide.

Mothers’ Union meets the 2nd Friday of every month at 10am at the All Saints Anglican Church, Nelson Bay.

Two of the founding members, Pauline Hockings and Elva John, still attend each month’s meetings.

The organisation supports NICU (the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) providing baby bundles for mothers including nappies, baby suits, and everything a new bub would need.

Members also conduct hospital visits at various Newcastle Hospitals and support every month at Children’s Court by serving tea and coffee.

The meetings begin each month with a church service, a meeting, guest speaker and conclude with a social get together at the Open Door Café.

“The highlights for this year have been our trips away and ‘Lady Day’ at the Newcastle Anglican Cathedral where members from the whole diocese meet together to acknowledge Mary the Mother of Jesus,” Anne Lye, priest in local mission and chaplain of Mothers’ Union, told Bay News Of The Area.

“Today we celebrate the birthday of Jack Ryan, whose wife was on the executive of the Newcastle branch,” Mrs Lye said.

Jack and his wife have been involved in Mothers’ Union for more than 67 years.

Jack is proof that it isn’t just mothers who lend a helping hand at Mothers’ Union.

Men, women and their children are invited to come along.

By Jewell DRURY

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