OPINION: Foreshores fiasco

DEAR News Of The Area,

I’M writing to express my frustration at the majority of Councillors who have acted to stall any sort of innovative development of the Jetty Foreshores.

None of the Councillors who voted to spend ratepayers’ money on buying foreshore land from the State Government mentioned their opposition to the foreshores development when they were asking for our votes.

Ratepayers’ money is not the Councillors’ personal property to be redirected to projects they personally support.

Extensive, professional research clearly showed that the majority of residents wanted to see some quality development of the harbour foreshores.

Creating another paddock with a few picnic shelters on it is not what the majority wants.

These Councillors seem hell bent on repeating the previous Council’s folly of only listening to those residents that agree with them.

Look what an expensive disaster the new Council Chambers and art gallery/library turned out to be.

Councillors, if you all want to be voted out of office next year, keep ignoring the majority of voters who want some quality facilities on the foreshores.

Patrick WALTERS,
Coffs Harbour.

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