Pink Silks Trust supports women following sexual assault

Emergency Department Nursing Unit Manager Clare Scullion, Pink Silks Trust Committee member Nicole Knight and Registered Nurse Dearne Loone with the donated examination bed.

SPECIALISED equipment that will help support women who have been sexually assaulted has been gifted to Coffs Harbour Health Campus’ Emergency Department.

The local charity, Pink Silks Trust (PST), made the $7,500 donation to purchase a gynaecology treatment table which quickly transforms into a specialised examination bed, a lockable instrument trolley and specialised instruments.

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“PST was approached by the specialists providing the essential service to women traumatised by sexual assault, which unfortunately has increased in recent years,” Pink Silks Trust Chair and Co-founder Tanya Johnson OAM told News Of The Area.

Providing specialist equipment for these women gives them the care, thoroughness and sensitivity they need in this distressing time.

“To be able to provide an environment of support and comfort to these women through this vulnerable and difficult experience is vital,” Tanya said.

“We are so fortunate to live in a community that wants to help, that wants to be part of the support needed for women going through a difficult time in their lives.

“We are grateful to be able to bring awareness to the health needs of our local women and be supported by the generosity of the Coffs community.”

The next two fundraising events for the charity are Pink Silks Trust Golf Day on Friday 12 January 2024 and Pink Silks Trust Ladies Charity Race Day on Sunday 14 January 2024.

To be involved with Pink Silks and the work it does locally, check their website for contact details or through their socials.

Pink Silks Trust is a local registered community charity making significant differences for local women’s health journeys and the impacts that ripple out to those in their lives.



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