Commercial development key priority for Fern Bay North Stockton: residents Medowie & Tilligerry News Of The Area Williamtown, Salt Ash by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 21, 2017 THE communities of Fern Bay and North Stockton have had their say on a new land use strategy for the area, with a supermarket and retail space seen as key priorities for respondents over the next 10 years. Modern Media: Advertise with News Of The Area and you get your ad
286-288 Clarke Street PINDIMAR SOUTH on the market Property by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 8, 2016 286-288 Clarke Street PINDIMAR SOUTH PRICE: $465,000 Do you crave the sound of birds instead of the sound of car horns! Dream of that home-grown vege patch instead of fighting at the Supermarket? Well here the Butcher bird has set up home to court his ladies hidden in the front garden. The fruit bats are partial