Tea Gardens students visit Ambulance Station

AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Jaylah Sheather, Harry Webb, Aaron Oltersdorf (with chook) Ali Partridge, Kathleen O’Brien, Beau Robertson, 2nd row: Gemma Brown, Paramedic Peter Turpin, Darcy Ingram.
AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Jaylah Sheather, Harry Webb, Aaron Oltersdorf (with chook) Ali Partridge, Kathleen O’Brien, Beau Robertson, 2nd row: Gemma Brown, Paramedic Peter Turpin, Darcy Ingram.


YOU may be surprised to learn that chickens have come home to roost at the Tea Gardens Ambulance Station.

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Long time local Paramedic Peter Turpin takes up the story.

“We had chooks for a couple of years, and they were getting out, so when we got a new manager he was only too happy for us to build a coop,” Peter said.

Peter and fellow Paramedic Steve Wilson got to work and the result was a very impressive coop for their chooks to call home.

“We’ve got five chooks, they are about six months old and totally spoilt.”

“We get a dozen eggs a day which keeps us well fed,” Peter said.

“We pay for our eggs which goes toward keeping them happy and fed.”

What was lacking was a name for each chook, so Peter came up with the idea of having the students at Tea Gardens Primary School engaged in creating a list of suitable moniker.

A dozen or so names were shortlisted, then a group of students representing each year, got to visit the Ambulance Station for a meet and greet.

In the end a show of hands decided on the names, Hens Solo, Popcorn, Nugget, Schnitty and Gypsy.

Mrs Pecker, Ambo Chick and Chooky McChookface unfortunately missed the cut.

The visit not only provided the youngsters with a hands on chook experience, but a lesson about some do’s and don’ts around what animals and wildlife are no go zones and some brochures on safety first.


By: Margie TIERNEY


AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Aaron Oltersdorf. (left) AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Tea Gardens Primary School Students make friends with the chooks. (right)
AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Aaron Oltersdorf. (left)
AMBULANCE STATION VISIT: Tea Gardens Primary School Students make friends with the chooks. (right)

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