Valerie Rose rewarded for 60 years of service to Bellingen Red Cross

Bellingen Red Cross Branch awarded Valerie Rose with the Guilt Rosette for her 60 years of service to the organisation.

SIX decades of stalwart service to the Bellingen branch of Australian Red Cross has been recognised with a presentation of the organisation’s prestigious Guilt Rosette to tireless volunteer Valerie Rose.

For just over 60 years she has been a member of the Bellingen Branch that has been running continuously since the Australian Red Cross was formed in 1914.

Since joining the branch in 1960, Valerie has epitomised what Red Cross is all about; service, reliability, care, leadership, efficiency and constancy.

Celebrating her achievement on 17 March 2023, members of Bellingen Red Cross presented Valerie with the Guilt Rosette.

Valerie, 92, and now retired from her volunteering, was bright and well for the party, enjoying the celebrations.

Over her six decades of dedication, she has been involved in every facet of the running of the Bellingen Branch and held various executive positions including President, Vice President and Secretary.

The Bellingen Branch began Red Cross Calling in March 1987 and Valerie was the main coordinator, responsible for the organising of collectors, rosters and banking of many thousands of dollars for the annual appeal.

Under her role as President, Valerie organised the local Telecross service in Urunga in 1991 and found premises for volunteers to make a daily phone call to the elderly and those who were vulnerable to make sure they were OK.

Another activity was the transport she provided to take people in local nursing homes to nearby Coffs Harbour for medical appointments.

Valerie took on the role of catering coordinator for many years, as well as being in charge of crockery hire, a lucrative fundraising initiative.

She was also very busy cooking for fundraising street stalls, lunches, dinners, afternoon teas, funerals, parties and meetings.

Assisted by other members of the branch these events were very successful.

As the Personal Support Team Leader of the local Emergency Services, Valerie had a wealth of experience when it came to local emergencies, serving on Disaster Welfare committees in readiness for such events, and there were plenty of floods where her experience was invaluable.

Looking at the very long list of involvement, dedication and initiatives over 60 years, demonstrates the very fundamentals of the organisation and their overwhelming reliance on volunteers of Valerie’s calibre.

Congratulations from all members past and present were bestowed upon Valerie for reaching such a milestone.


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