Zoë’s twelve hour tennis fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish foundation

Zoë Turner is raising funds for Make-A-Wish.


STROUD’S Zoë Turner is raising funds for the Make-A-Wish foundation through a twelve hour tennis fundraiser.

On 20 November Zoë will be hitting the Stroud Tennis Courts to play for twelve hours straight, including food, water and toilet breaks.

The fundraiser will run from 7:30am-7:30pm with Stroud Butchery running a BBQ from 11am-12pm and 5-6pm, with all proceeds going towards Make-A-Wish.

Ms Turner spoke to News Of The Area about her fundraiser.

“I had been thinking about doing a charity event for a while and I was looking for the right charity to raise funds for and I really wanted to do something for sick kids.

“I was on the Make-A-Wish website reading children’s stories and got very emotionally attached to the charity,” she said.

Zoë instantly knew that this was the charity she wanted to fundraise for.

“I didn’t want to just do an easy fundraiser – I wanted to put myself in some hardship, as these children go through a lot worse on a daily basis and I wanted to do this for them,” Ms Turner said.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation has been operating for 35 years, helping to deliver inspiration and life-changing wishes for children with a critical illness.

“I think it’s important to note that everyone has been through hardships these past two years and so donating money may be hard.

“The thing to remember is that these children have had it just that bit worse; they’ve been diagnosed with these horrible illnesses and have not been able to go many places because of safety concerns during this pandemic.

“So granting some wishes feels extra special,” Ms Turner said.

The fundraiser will have two children’s sessions for all children to join in and Zoë reminds those wanting to attend to bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottle and racquet.

The day’s schedule is as follows:

Start: 7.30am

Children’s session one: 10-11am

BBQ: 11am-12pm

Children’s session: 2: 4-5pm

BBQ:- 5-6pm

Finish: 7.30pm

“The courts are available for people to come have a hit next to or with me and I do have bookings if you want to secure a hit with me, otherwise people can come down for some fun,” Zoë said.

For those wanting to donate to the fundraiser, visit the following link: https://fundraise.makeawish.org.au/fundraisers/zoeturner.



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