Bulahdelah Lions Park amenities to receive upgrade

THE amenities at Bulahdelah Lions Park will be upgraded as part of MidCoast Council’s public amenities upgrades program.

These upgrades are expected to be completed by December, weather permitting.

MidCoast Council’s Manager of Strategy and Projects, Amanda Hatton, said public toilets are something most of us don’t think about until we need to use them.

“For us, they are something we are cleaning and maintaining regularly and also, where we can, undertaking upgrades to provide improved facilities and better access,” Ms Hatton said.

“As many of the toilet blocks we upgrade were built some time ago, we focus on making sure they are accessible to all in the community, including things like disabled toilets and change tables.”

Council said there will be minimal disruptions to the Bulahdelah community, with temporary toilets available on site as the works are completed.

“Providing our communities with modern, safe, accessible and inclusive amenities is a high priority for us,” Amanda said.

The construction of all facilities was made possible thanks to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant program.

In Hawks Nest, demolition of the old amenities in Providence Park is set to begin this week, with Environment Management and Site Safety Plans in place for the safe removal of asbestos.


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