Celebrating Nambucca Valley Teachers this World Teachers’ Day

Sasha giving his thumbs up to his teachers at Nambucca Heads Public School.


THE theme of World Teachers’ Day 2021 (29 October) is ‘Teachers at the heart of education recovery’.

This theme aims to acknowledge the tireless effort and work that has gone on behind the scenes to keep lessons going and to minimise, as much as possible, the disruption that has occurred to students’ learning over the course of the pandemic.

Sarah Mitchell, NSW Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning said, “Here in NSW we have over 160,000 early childhood, primary and secondary teachers, and each and every one of them deserves to be recognised on this special day.

“Our teachers have continued in the face of the global pandemic to educate and to inspire our children.

“They have led by example in accepting and adapting to change and shown resilience and true grit.

“Their dedication, their kindness and their support is felt well beyond schools and across all of our communities.

“I call on all of NSW to celebrate a teacher that they know on 29 October.”

Liz Owen, a Valley parent of school aged children said, “When I shared home schooling experiences with other parents there was an overwhelming sense of OMG (Oh my God), I don’t know how teachers do it!

“I admire how teachers inspire, motivate and educate through what must be a roller-coaster ride!”

Kate Battiston, Principal of Nambucca Heads Public School told News Of The Area, “I can’t sing their praises high enough.

“They always support the families and student’s well-being and learning, and during this period they have gone above and beyond.

“The staff have demonstrated a commitment and passion to do everything they can for families and students during this time.

“It is lovely to have them recognised.”

Sasha, a student from Nambucca Heads Public school, has this to say to his teachers, “Thank you for teaching everything right, even during lockdown.”

This News Of The Area reporter and former teacher would also like to express her gratitude to educators worldwide.

“As a teacher, which has currently been traded for writing and owning a cafe, I send out a heartfelt thank you to all the teachers in Nambucca Valley, and across the world.

“The challenges I imagine have been huge, and my own children have continued to thrive and learn with happiness in their hearts.

“Our experience has been from Victoria to NSW.

“Thank you for doing such a wonderful job, you’re awesome.”



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