Elders visit permanent home of Worimi Hornet

Worimi Elders Aunty Lorraine Lilley and Uncle Neville Lilley with a presentation gifted on behalf of the Senior Australian Defence Force Officer RAAF Base Williamtown, represented by Airbase Executive Officer Squadron Leader David Crossman (right) in conjunction with Base Warrant Officer Dean Rhodes (centre) and RAAF Williamtown Indigenous Liaison Officer, Flying Officer Coen Henry (left) at the RAAF Williamtown Aviation Heritage Centre.

WORIMI Elders had an opportunity last week to once again get up close to the Worimi Hornet, now on permanent display at the RAAF Williamtown Aviation Heritage Centre (Fighter World).

In 2015, then-Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, unveiled the Indigenous artwork on the tail fin of the aircraft at the Avalon International Airshow.

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The artwork, painted by RAAF Base Williamtown personnel and designed by Australian design studio Balarinji, depicts Kilyarr, the Wedgetail Eagle – a powerful bird of prey, which dominates the skies over Australian land and seascapes.

The colours within the artwork honour the Worimi people, demonstrating Air Force’s commitment and recognition to Indigenous men and women who have served and continue to serve in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

“The initiative to add the artwork demonstrates and honours our long-standing connection with the traditional custodians of the lands, air and seas in which we at RAAF Williamtown, live, work and train,” Senior Australian Defence Force Officer, Group Captain Anthony Stainton said.

“Today is about the Worimi Elders seeing the aircraft on permanent display on their land.”

The Worimi Hornet had more than 30 years’ service and over 5500 flying hours and had a significant contribution to operations.

Airbase Executive Officer Squadron Leader David Crossman (left) representing the Senior Australian Defence Force Officer RAAF Base Williamtown presents Worimi Elders Aunty Lorraine Lilley and Uncle Neville Lilley with a presentation in front of the F/A-18A Worimi Hornet on display at the RAAF Williamtown Aviation Heritage Centre.

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