Last days to have say on Shoal Bay Place Plan

Members of the community engaging in the Shoal Bay Place Plan feedback sessions.

RESIDENTS wishing to provide feedback on the draft Shoal Bay Place Plan have until Sunday 25 February to have their say.

Shoal Bay is the latest of the Port Stephens townships to undergo a ‘Place Plan’ process, following Council undertaking the activity in Karuah, Medowie and the West Ward Hinterland in recent years.

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Shoal Bay has a population of 1815 people, made up of 457 families.

The area is home to 126 active businesses, including a large retirement village.

The median age is 59, and 24 percent of workers are in tourism, accommodation, and food service industries.

Council has hosted drop-in sessions at the Shoal Bay foreshore in recent weeks, providing an opportunity for residents to discuss future projects and plans for the local area.

“I would like to thank the community of Shoal Bay who turned up to our three community drop-in sessions,” Port Stephens Deputy Mayor Leah Anderson told NOTA.

The Place Plan identifies short, medium and long-term actions that Council and the community can work on together to create opportunities for the immediate area.

“It also tackles the tougher conversations we have to have, such as infill housing, and alternate access into Shoal Bay, so we need to plan well in advance,” the Deputy Mayor said.

Cr Anderson said community involvement is “vital to build a quality Place Plan”.

“What I like about Place Plans is they start with the community to build the plan.

“As a councillor, and I share this frustration with Council, I find it difficult to get enough people interested or to make the time to put towards community planning and engagement sessions.

“I am keen to hear feedback on how we can get more people involved from the start of these processes, not just as we near the end.”

The Shoal Bay Place Plan process has been underway since September 2020, when a Port Stephens ‘Liveability’ survey was launched.

For Shoal Bay residents, the condition of public open space and the natural environment were considered the most important elements of an ‘ideal’ neighbourhood.

Since that time, several community workshops and additional meetings have been held with the Port Stephens Business Chamber to ensure the needs of the business community are also being considered.

There have even been dedicated workshops around parking and movement in Shoal Bay.

Port Stephens Council used a range of communication methods to engage the community on the Shoal Bay Place plan, including via newsletter, bulk letterbox drop, direct emails, Council’s website, and the Port Stephens Council Facebook page.

Collating information gained from workshops, online surveys and feedback, Council has prepared a draft Shoal Bay Place Plan, which is out for public exhibition until 25 February.

“I must highlight this is a draft concept plan at this stage, and this is why Council and myself have been out talking to residents and ratepayers to get feedback about this draft plan,” Cr Anderson said.

You can find the survey online at


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