Mambo Wanda Wetlands, Ramsar site

Attendees at EcoNetwork-Port Stephens forum discussing Mambo Wanda Wetlands. Photo by: Square Shoe Photography
Attendees at EcoNetwork-Port Stephens forum discussing Mambo Wanda Wetlands. Photo by: Square Shoe Photography

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A community forum was held on 27 November at Tomaree Community Centre, to discuss and raise awareness of the issues facing Mambo Wanda Wetlands and to propose a motion to nominate the area as a Ramsar site.

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Guest Speaker, Dr Stuart Blanch, CEO, Hunter Wetlands Centre, said, “Listing Mambo Wanda Wetlands as a Ramsar site would help protect the Wetlands, attract tourists and enable the local community of Port Stephens to learn about and champion the Wetlands.”

A motion was passed regarding Mambo Wanda Wetlands to be considered for nomination as a Wetland of International Significance under the Ramsar Convention.

This is the first stage of what is likely to be a lengthy process, somewhere between three to five years.

Due to the nature of the proposal, detailed surveys must support the application which will involve monitoring the movement of wildlife, fauna and flora during the four seasons.

Currently, there is very little documented and it was suggested that this needs to change, not only from the perspective of this proposal but for general interest.

Whilst there was a good turn-out for the forum, there is a need for volunteers and those with specific experience, ecologist, botanist, tertiary education/experience in Wetlands to serve on the committee.

An attendee explained to the forum that other groups have failed due to not having enough data and people power.

Nigel Dique, Secretary, EcoNetwork, told News of the Area, “The attendees at the meeting were very interested in the proposal and were unanimous that it should be proceeded with, which is very heartwarming.”

For more information, contact: Nigel Dique, Secretary, EcoNetwork-Port Stephens Inc, 0423 024 819

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