MidCoast Council works coming along, more to happen

Tuloa Avenue Hawks Nest is due for some desperately needed resurfacing.

HORRENDOUS weather in recent weeks, and the visibly degraded state of several public roads and amenities, has been tempered by the fact that, despite everything, things are still getting done by MidCoast Council.

Several essential public works projects have been started, with Council’s project organisers weaving around the autumn rains trying to deliver critical upgrades.

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Perhaps the most anticipated project has been the long-awaited delivery of the Hawks Nest Community Hall extension, delivering a clean, new concrete parking area in front of an entirely new building, complete with all the mod cons, and, most importantly, remedying the space problems that many community groups have been experiencing of late.

While some final details still need to be ironed out, such as the placement of Meals On Wheels’ freezer room, and some problematic bollards, the Community Hall should soon be once again called home by many more groups.

Just before the heavy autumn rains started, Myall Street was successfully upgraded in long sections between Tea Gardens Coles and the Baptist Church, and again along the commercial zone approaching Tea Gardens Plaza.

Road-related works have begun and persevered at the Singing Bridge approach footpaths, with Hawks Nest’s southern side almost complete, and the approaches on both sides of the Tea Gardens end well underway.

All of this is, once again, despite the heavy rains, which make curing concrete a difficult task, and the need to coordinate Telstra to fill in around the telecom pits, before the new paths can open to all.

There is more to come, with MidCoast Council declaring its commitment to tackle the omnipresent bumps and potholes along Tuloa Avenue, outside the Hawks Nest shops.

“Road works are scheduled for Tuloa Avenue between Yamba and Booner St,” a MidCoast Council spokesperson told NOTA.

“This will involve removing the asphalt surface, replacing the gravel base course, and replacing new asphalt.

“If things go to plan, we’ll only have the road disturbed for one weekend.

“The road will remain open under traffic control during works, but there will be short delays.

“At the moment we’re planning to start on 20 May and finish by the end of the month, but these dates are highly dependent on the weather, so will likely change.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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