Ms Ros Caro farewelled from Bulahdelah Central School

Sophia Stubbs, Ms Ros Caro and Georgia McKillop-Davies.
Sophia Stubbs, Ms Ros Caro and Georgia McKillop-Davies.


POPULAR English/History teacher Ms Ros Caro was farewelled from Bulahdelah Central School last week.

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“I am definitely going to miss the people here,” Ms Caro said.

“The staff at the school have been like a second family and the students have been wonderful.”

In addition to her teaching duties, Ms Caro was a Year Advisor, debating coach, homework tutor and mentor to countless senior students over the years.

She was well-known for her passion, dedication and patience.

Year 7 student Sophia Stubbs said history lessons with Ms Caro were always lots of fun.

“She knew everyone as individuals, she knew exactly what you were good at and what you needed help with,” Sophia said.

“She was creative and always explained things in a way that made it easy to understand.”

Sophia said she enjoyed tasting food from ancient cultures which Ms Caro regularly prepared for the class.

Ms Caro has commuted back and forth between Bulahdelah and her home in Sydney every weekend for years.

She said leaving the teaching job that she loves was a tough decision, but she needs to be with her husband and children full time.

“It has been difficult and challenging at times because the of distance between us,” she said.

“I have no firm plans at the moment, I am just going to take it day by day and definitely spend lots of time with my family.”

Ms Caro thanks the school and the entire community for their support during her time at Bulahdelah.

“Everyone has been great, I will be back, I’ll come and visit,” she said.


Carol Poniris and Ms Ros Caro.
Carol Poniris and Ms Ros Caro.

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