OPINION: Highs and lows of Bellwood Park gender reveal

DEAR News Of The Area,

CONGRATULATIONS to the excited couple expecting their baby to what looked like a baby ‘gender reveal’ celebration found out after ‘popping’ the balloon that they were having a son.

How wonderful to have decided upon our beautiful Bellwood Park at Nambucca Heads for this joyous and momentous occasion with our BBQ’s, playgrounds, picnic areas, facilities all with a picture-perfect backdrop of our Nambucca River.

As you could imagine upon entering Bellwood Park Monday morning 6 March to find hundreds of pieces of cut up blue paper, a ‘popped balloon’, bubble blowing apparatus and chocolate wrappers (which may or not have been used as part of the celebrations) which sent through highs and lows of mixed emotions.

A ‘high’ for the excitement of a baby and a ‘low’ of the aftermath of the post celebrations that had been left behind.

Not only does this cause concern for the wildlife and River, but also what message are these parents sending to their children and the next generation.

How fabulous would it have been after the reveal to have family, friends and the children who attended that could do so, go around and pick up the now scattered ‘litter’ and place it in the many bins provided.

I picked up about three quarters of the now widespread litter with the help of a lovely lady who was with her granddaughter, however the wind was making it hard to collect as it whirled around the paper both on the ground and in the bucket that it was being collected into.

I finished up going to Council where they were going to follow up with a cleanup crew.

Nambucca Heads.

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