Orara High School’s Tquile Donovan to MC Nanga Mai Awards in Sydney

Orara High School Year 11 student Tquile Donovan chosen as MC for Nanga Mai Awards in Sydney.


ORARA High School Year 11 student Tquile Donovan has been chosen as the Master of Ceremonies for the 16th annual Nanga Mai Awards in Sydney.

The NSW Department of Education in partnership with The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated (NSW AECG Inc.) host the Awards celebrating the outstanding achievements of Aboriginal students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal teachers, other departmental staff, Aboriginal community members and schools demonstrating outstanding achievement in a range of areas of endeavour.

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The event was pre-filmed owing to COVID restrictions and goes live on 1 December.

Tequila told News Of The Area, “I was flown to Sydney for filming of the event which took six hours.

“The staff and production crew were all so nice and helpful and patient.

“I had my hair and make-up done with touch-ups in between speaking and it was an incredible experience.”

The Department of Education and The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated (NSW AECG Inc.) will stream the event on 1 December via a link on their websites and social media pages.

Tquile is employed by Coffs Harbour-based Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) under a Group Training arrangement whereby she works with a host employer while undertaking a paid school-based traineeship.

The Happy Boxes Project is Tquile’s host employer, and she has been an asset to the team.

This is a registered not-for-profit charity that sends ‘happy boxes’ to over 70 remote communities nationwide.

Each box contains self-care items, women’s hygiene products and little luxuries that many take for granted in urban areas.

Tquile is currently completing her Year 11 studies while working one day a week with Happy Boxes as a Trainee Administration Officer.

During her Year 12 studies, she will continue as a trainee with Happy Boxes Project and work towards completion of both the HSC and Certificate II in Business Administration.

Her varied role sees her helping Emma Sullings, the founder of The Happy Boxes Project, with painting the newly purchased trailer to carrying out hand deliveries, facilitating women’s elders pamper sessions and packing happy boxes to be sent out to remote communities.

Joshua Maguire, Career Recruitment Officer at AES told News Of The Area, “Tquile is a passionate and community minded young girl.

“She is a friendly, approachable and personable individual with a strong connection to her family and culture.

“AES is so proud of her commitment and dedication to her studies, her workload, and her ability to juggle her work/life balance.

“Tquile is wise beyond her years and her appointment as the Master of Ceremonies for the Nanga Mai Awards is a further confirmation of the positive role model she has already become in our community.

“This recognition on a state level is an immense honour and our entire community are so proud of Tquile.”

For more information visit https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/aec/aboriginal-education-in-nsw-public-schools/nanga-mai-awards/16th-annual-nanga-mai-awards#sidenavigation_auto.



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