Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Carole Stone, Merryl Kyburz, Anne Tobin

TUESDAY 24 October.

Our second last Shootout Qualifier golf game for the year was played at Safety Beach on Tuesday 24 October by 35 ladies. Once again conditions were compromised by a strong wind, however the ladies were well up to the task and many good scores were recorded.

Overall winner of the day was Anne Tobin with a fantastic 48 pts, well ahead of runner-up Merryl Kyburz 41 pts, 2nd runner-up Lorraine Broomfield and 3rd runner-up Carole Stone 37 pts on c/b.

NTP 4th Janelle Coleman, 5th Merryl Kyburz, 7th Di Canham, 11th Merryl Kyburz. Thank you Marilyn Ely for donating the raffle won by Janelle Coleman.

Our AGM was held after the game and all positions for 2024 were filled. A huge vote of thanks to all office-bearers for nominating, with one special nomination, Carole Stone who filled the vacant position of Captain. A huge vote of thanks also to outgoing office-bearers for their dedication to the smooth running of our club in past years and to those filling a position for the first time. Help is always at hand.

Don’t forget Melbourne Cup Day medley Ambrose competition Tuesday 7th November. Please bring a plate to share after the game while the running of the Cup is being televised. Sweeps will be available. Tuesday 21st is Pancreatic Cancer Day in memory of our late member Kathy Coombs. Again a medley Foursomes Mulligans. Please wear purple.

Don’t forget the weekly Wine and Dine medley 9 hole comp is playable at a time to suit you and the 9 hole comp run by Pro Terry on Thursdays.

By Marilyn ELY

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