Medowie Team raise funds for Cancer patients FEATURED Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 25, 2017 A CARING group of fitness mad friends have put their alcohol to the side for the month of July, to participate in the ‘Dry July’ fundraiser. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE The fundraiser provides much needed funds that go towards cancer support organisations across Australia, to help improve patient comfort, care and
Hawks Nest weed, Mother-of-millions Bryophyllum species FEATURED Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 28, 2016 THE name “mother-of-millions” may conjure up images of comfort and caring, but this red-flowered ornamental plant is a real killer. Not only is it poisonous to people and pets, but it constitutes a serious risk to stock, as poisoned cattle die of heart failure. The toxins are present in all parts of