Commercial development key priority for Fern Bay North Stockton: residents Medowie & Tilligerry News Of The Area Williamtown, Salt Ash by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 21, 2017 THE communities of Fern Bay and North Stockton have had their say on a new land use strategy for the area, with a supermarket and retail space seen as key priorities for respondents over the next 10 years. Modern Media: Advertise with News Of The Area and you get your ad
MidCoast Council working to build a strong regional economy FEATURED MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 1, 2017 A NEW Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) was the topic of discussion at a series of information sessions held by MidCoast Council last week. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE The strategy aims to secure a strong future for the region by supporting new business investment and maximising the potential for job growth. Speaking