Historical winery at Stroud offers more than expected Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - January 11, 2017January 11, 2017 If you are looking for something to do with the family, to get out and experience you can you this right in your own backyard -Well, not far. Travel up the Buckett’s Way to picturesque Stroud, and pay a visit to the Historic winery and homestead Alderley Station. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT
Booral RFS and Bulahdelah Lions operate Driver Reviver sites at Brown’s Flat Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - January 5, 2017January 7, 2017 Brown’s flat rest areas were busy over the holiday period with hundreds of travellers taking advantage of the Driver Reviver stops located on both sides of the Pacific Highway. Volunteers from Bulahdelah Lions Club were stationed southbound and Booral Rural Fire Service members operated the 24-hour northbound site. Or
Stroud car crash kills man after hitting a tree FEATURED Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - June 20, 2016June 20, 2016 A man has died overnight after his car left the road at Stroud, and hit a tree. Emergency services were called to the Bucketts Way, 3km south of Stroud, when the crash was discovered about 9.45pm (Sunday 19 June 2016). The driver, believed to be a 25-year-old man, from Merewether, died at
Bulahdelah Bandits take out inaugural Stroud Rock Kwiz hosted by Stroud Country Club FEATURED Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - June 2, 2016 Stroud Country Club was packed to the rafters with over 100 people turning out for the inaugural Stroud Rock Kwiz last weekend. The evening was organised by Stroud Public School P&C as a fundraiser to purchase educational resources for the school. With an electric buzz of excitement, a succession of Elvis, Kylie
Stroud House now on the NSW State Heritage Register FEATURED Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - May 12, 2016 Great Lakes Council is pleased that a piece of our early colonial history will be preserved with the listing of the privately owned Stroud House on the NSW State Heritage Register. Council congratulates the owners for supporting the listing of Stroud House recently. “Stroud House was built in 1827 and is recognised as
Stroud Show is set to be loaded with fun and entertainment FEATURED Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - March 31, 2016 Of the many local community shows held annually, the Stroud Show is a standout event that, with it’s very own uniqueness, attracts visitors and competitors from far and wide. This year’s Stroud Show will run from Friday 1 April to midnight Saturday 2 April, and with almost non-stop action and entertainment
Stroud holds Weed Awareness Workshops FEATURED Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - March 22, 2016March 22, 2016 Weeds officers from Councils across the Mid-North Coast in conjunction with other stakeholders delivered a series of well attended community workshops to introduce newly developed biological controls for managing some widespread weeds and to raise awareness of the new and emerging weed African Olive. Great Lakes Council’s Noxious and Environmental Weeds Coordinator
Stroud home features on “Selling Houses Australia” Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - March 16, 2016March 16, 2016 A Stroud residence sold by R and R Property featured in last week’s television program “Selling Houses Australia,” has been promoted as the fastest sale in the history of the show. Filming for the program saw Australia’s leading property experts Andrew Winter, Charlie Albone and Shaynna Blaze visit Stroud to makeover the
Man, 24, dead after his car hit a tree near Stroud Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - October 23, 2015October 23, 2015 A man has died following a single-vehicle accident near Stroud overnight. Just after 11pm yesterday (Thursday 22 October 2015), emergency services were called to the Bucketts Way, Wards River, about 3km north of Monkerai Road. A car, with two men inside, had left the road and hit a tree, the driver – a
Stroud Country Fair with kids entertainment all day Stroud, Booral, Lime Burners Ck by NOTA - September 16, 2015September 16, 2015 Aqua bows are tied and ready in preparation for the Stroud Country Fair coming up on the October long weekend. The main street of Stroud will come alive with stalls and live music, as well as kids entertainment all day, plus face painting and a quilt display. A highlight of the Fair is ‘Operation Bucketts Way’