Relief at Sale of Birubi Beach Resort at Anna Bay

Anna Bay residents will rejoice over breaking news that the eyesore at the entrance to their picturesque village will soon be no more following the sale of the former Birubi Beach Resort site this week.

Deputy Mayor of Port Stephens Chris Doohan and new owner Wilson Hu at the Anna Bay Resort site.
Deputy Mayor of Port Stephens Chris Doohan and new owner Wilson Hu at the Anna Bay Resort site.

Once considered a landmark development for the region, the foreign-backed plan for a four-star resort in Anna Bay was plagued by work stoppages, late payments to contractors and court battles almost since its inception.  

It has angered residents and left local contractors thousands of dollars out of pocket since work began in late 2011, before the site was eventually placed into receivership in 2014.

Deputy Mayor Chris Doohan met with News Of The Area to share the exciting news of the sale.

“Mayor MacKenzie and I, with support of council staff, found the original owner, and gave him an ultimatum that the site needed to change from sitting in its current state,” Chris Doohan said.

Port Stephens Council assisted with the sale process, and were happy to report that the new contracts of sale were signed and authorised on 1 November, 2016.

The purchasing company, known as Landmark International Group Pty Ltd, has already commenced the rebranding process for the site, and has advised that the unsightly temporary fencing will be down within the week and the new fencing and site branding will be established over the next fortnight.

The new owners have chosen the name ‘Anna Bay Resort’.

“The Mayor and I will personally continue to push for this redevelopment to move along as quickly as we can, to rid Anna Bay of this long awaited and frustrating eyesore,” Cr Doohan told News Of The Area.

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The new owners, one being Wilson Hu (pictured with Councillor Chris Doohan), have advised that the remainder of 2016 will be used to commence the initial cleaning up of the site, and have told Cr Doohan and News Of The Area that they intend for the site to be a modified version of the original tourist resort, accommodation and function centre that was first planned.  

“I spoke with Mr Hu this week and encouraged him to use local tradesmen and businesses wherever possible, and that it would be a great start to being a part of our wonderful community,” Cr Doohan said.

Council staff will continue to work with the new owners, and provide as much assistance as possible.

Cr Chris Doohan and new owner Wilson Hu.
Cr Chris Doohan and new owner Wilson Hu.

7 thoughts on “Relief at Sale of Birubi Beach Resort at Anna Bay

  1. Great news
    I was hoping to win lotto to buy it myself and finish it off,
    What a great spot to operate a business, so many opertunitys for the whole area and community,
    I would love to work for this company, any opertunitys please contact me,
    Good luck for the future

  2. Good luck getting Mr Hu to employ locals he will bring most of his worker here on 457 visa you just only have to look at what the owner of the land surrounding Fame Cove are doing re employing locals

  3. Far be it from me to rain on the parade, but cannot everyone see (except our councillors it seems) that it is the wrong development in the wrong place? Ask any local what it’s like in a big southerly or westerly, and you have your answer. When word gets out to tourism operators, it’s going to be a white elephant (again). I’d love to be proved wrong, but….

  4. they paid too much. local vandalism with little local support police disinterest, the vandals and thieves are known but not arrested, I have some sympathy for the new owners. I was an under bidder and still have an interest maybe next time around.

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