David Gillespie talks on Veterans and Defence personal mental health

Dr David Gillespie
Dr David Gillespie

VETERANS and Defence personnel in will benefit from the Coalition Government’s employment initiative and increased attention on mental health.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will host the first Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Initiative in November that will help find ways for business to better use the skills of veterans and assist former Defence personnel transition to civilian employment.

The Australians who have served in our armed forces have developed skills and leadership qualities that would be valuable to any business.

The Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Initiative will bring business leaders and veterans face-to-face so we can develop ways to effectively utilise this talent pool.

I encourage businesses and other employers to think about the skills offered by our veterans and how they could use them.

Improving post-service opportunities for our Defence personnel is good for the economy, good for individual businesses and good for veterans.

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The Government has tasked the National Mental Health Commission with reviewing the suicide and self-harm prevention services available to veterans and Australian Defence Force (ADF) members.

One suicide is one too many and our community must address mental health issues together.

The Coalition Government has announced an additional $192 million to tackle mental health challenges across our community and $46.4 million specifically for veterans and Defence personnel to access free mental health treatment.

This review will improve our understanding of mental health challenges and lead to better treatment for our veterans and the wider community.

This is an issue right across our community and a particular issue with our veterans. This is an issue we have to tackle together — all of us need to be more aware of the challenges of mental illness and the debt we owe to our service men and women.

Our Government is committed to action on veteran and ADF suicide and is working with the wider veteran community to achieve this.




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