Lock the Nambucca Valley reports to Council on mining activities

Georgette Allen of Lock the Nambucca Valley reported on the group’s activities for the year at last week’s Council meeting

GEORGETTE Allen of Lock the Nambucca Valley (LNV) group spoke during the Public Forum of the Nambucca Valley Council’s meeting on 30 November 2023 to update Council on LNV activities over the past year and to warn them of potential risks to Council’s assets imposed by mining ventures.

“My concern for you, our Council, is that mining can impact on all of us – damage to our roads and minor bridges, impact on social amenity, Indigenous heritage sites and history, impacts on our valuable oyster growing industry through degradation of our waterways, and excess usage of water reserves, and loss of valuable farming land,” Georgette told the Council.

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“All these impacts can result in extra cost burdens on our Council,” she pointed out.

According to Georgette, the group sprang into action when first notified by a member of the public who had received an Access Agreement of a current and active mining exploration licence (EL9235) covering areas of South Arm, Taylors Arm, Upper Buckra Bendinni and extending into the Macleay Valley.

“We used social media, posters in all towns, store-front displays, ordered new supplies of yellow triangle signs, and we letter-box dropped fliers to everyone with a letterbox in the areas covered by this exploration licence,” Georgette said.

The group hosted a public meeting in Macksville on 14 November 2023, which was reported on by News Of The Area in previous editions.

Two representatives from Summit Mining, the mining company holding the licence, also attended this meeting.

A transcript of the public meeting was provided to these two representatives to report back to their employer, Georgette said.

The group also hosted a workshop run by the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) outlining legal rights of people in relation to mining activities.

Georgette explained to the Council that a liaison consultant had contacted the group on 28 November, to advise them that Summit Minerals was ceasing activities in the tenement of EL 9235.

Further research on this project, know as the Windfall Antimony Project within Summit Minerals, revealed an online ASX announcement from Summit Minerals stating, “Following an extensive review of the Company’s portfolio, the Company has recognised that the Windfall Antimony Project (EL9235) is non-core to the Company’s strategic objectives moving forward.

“The Company has therefore decided not to commit further resources to this project other than to maintain the tenements in good standing.

“The Company is actively considering divestment opportunities for the project.”

Georgette and her group remain alert for future developments.

“LNV will seek to have this licence cancelled, as has happened before.

“We will continue to oppose mining in our Valley, and we will work with Council towards this end,” Georgette said in her address to Council.


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