Myall Coast Radio to broadcast special Remembrance Day programs

BROADCASTING to locals via the internet from its new location in Bulahdelah, Myall Coast Radio has some special commemorations for Remembrance Day on 11 November.

“Since the relocation, Myall Coast Radio hopes to clear up apparent confusion regarding how to actually ‘tune in’ and listen to the broadcasts,” Hawks Nest local and radio presenter Brian Jones told NOTA.

“There are a number of options available.

“One, tune your personal radio to 87.8 Mh2 FM.

“Two, Google ‘Myall Coast Radio’ online and follow the easy instructions to tune-in online.

“Three, you can also connect with Myall Coast Radio via Facebook.”

The local Radio for the Community project will be broadcasting two special programs to commemorate this important event in Australia’s history, the first being on the evening of Friday 10 November.

“We will take an in-depth look at a program euphemistically called ‘The Songs That Won WWI’, which traces that terrible war through the original songs of the period from its beginning in 1914 to Armistice Day, now called Remembrance Day, in 1918,” detailed Mr Jones.

Starting 6am on Saturday, Remembrance Day proper, Myall Coast Radio will feature a very special program called ‘Remember the Armistice’, this time tracing WWI from its beginning to conclusion, as seen through the incredible poetry of the Soldier Poets.

“These Soldier Poets, through lyrical, uncensored language, told of the horrors, the wanton slaughter and devastation as it happened around them,” Mr Jones explained.

The poems will be read by ten people from Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest, Bulahdelah and Stroud, with both programs to be repeated later in the day on Saturday 11 November.

Mr Jones quoted Laurence Binyon’s poem, ‘For the Fallen’.

“They went with songs to the battle; they were young; straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

“They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe.

“They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old.

“We will remember them.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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